The Wayback Machine -


This website is happily hosted on neocities since May 4th,2022.


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~(>_ x)

catlairland is my personal website, which serves as a little blog at the hands of me, the webmaster! This site is a projection of my thoughts on screen! I have a passion for art, and also anime, which are things that this site is focusing on!


I don't consent to having the graphics,headers and etc used on other sites. please find some graphics online yourself, there's so many things to find! I sometimes edit and make some of them for my use only.
I don't consent to having my website's code copy and pasted anywhere. this is very important. If you need a starter layout to use, mine isn't the one. you have an infinite amount of sources on the internet!

How did catlairland become catlairland?

basically, a teenager on the internet once discovered HTML - , she became obsessed with the idea of being able to make a little site you can use to represent your inner self. The outcome of this is, catlairland!, ofc! No social media comes as close as good as neocities regarding self expression. that's why i love it so much

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feeling..The current mood of lesbians at
check out my about page!